The central piazza where the Palio takes place. (Notice the sharp turns!)
My Valentine's day was spent in Siena on a class field trip. Siena is a very small town divided into 17 contradas, which are like neighborhoods. Each contrada has their own animal or symbol, which they are named after. The contradas date back to the Middle Ages, so each one has a long complicated history; even feuds between the contradas go way back- many Sienese don't even know why some contradas are considered their "enemy" contrada.
The main event in Siena is the Palio, a horse race around the central piazza, where jockeys ride bareback. The sharp turns make for an exciting race- mattresses line the buildings surrounding the piazza so the horses and jockeys don't get too badly bruised. If this race sounds familiar, it was the opening scene in the latest James Bond movie. This was a reenactment though, and the "race" only took place on one side of the piazza. Sienese live for the Palio- it happens twice a year and whatever contrada wins can torment the other contradas until there is a new winner. The Palio is taken very seriously; men and women will cry and comfort each other if their contrada loses, and the winning contrada throws a celebration dinner, with the horse as the guest of honor.
P.S. Thanks to UUMC for the birthday card!
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